Secret Angel and Secret Angel Ministry Reaching out to victims of abuse to help them overcome the abuses of their pasts.

Secret Angel Ministry

As a former victim, Secret Angel represents the many nameless and faceless victims of abuse. No one can understand that feeling of being trapped and that feeling of hopelessness–unless they have lived it. Many people can not understand how this can happen, but rest assured, victims never choose to be abused. They never want to be victims. They never want to live in fear.
Now, as an overcomer of abuse and domestic violence, Secret Angel is reaching out to help others to also overcome their situations with information and inspiration to see THE LIGHT that led her out of darkness. God rescued her from abuse when she was so broken that she did not even know that she was being abused, and she wants to help others.

Secret Angel Ministry has been founded to reach out to these victims and includes a vision to one day in the future be able to provide Secret Angel Safe Houses for those in immediate safety needs and also Secret Angel Transitional Houses for those who want to have their lives entirely transformed by the Grace of God.

The Walking Wounded by Secret Angel

THE WALKING WOUNDED: The Path from Brokenness to Wholeness talks about the devastating effects of abuse and includes Secret Angel’s true life story of her path from the depths of brokenness as a victim of abuse, adultery, and domestic violence to a new life of wholeness in the One who rescued her and set her free from her abusive past.

All proceeds from this book are pledged to go to ministries to help victims of abuse.

The Abuse Expose' with Secret Angel

A blog reaching out to victims of abuse and others in need, providing insight about abuse, hope for the future, and guidance to see THE LIGHT that lead Secret Angel out of the darkness of her own abusive situation and helped her to not only survive but to overcome.

Domestic Violence Information

The National Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

Their website is
Please contact this domestic violence hotline if you are being abused or have any questions about abuse.

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